Mask Policy Update.
We are excited to announce that we have made the decision to allow those who are fully vaccinated to practice without a mask beginning June 7th with proof of vaccination.
Mask Policy Update FAQs
What information did you use to make this decision? We have made this choice after considering guidance from the CDC, local policy changes, survey results and feedback from our members, and a continuing increase in vaccination numbers as well as a continuing decline in COVID-19 infections in Howard County.
Will you be requiring proof of vaccination? Yes, we will be requiring proof of vaccination status for those who wish to practice without a mask. You will only need to provide proof once and we will make a note on your account. A photo or copy of your vaccination card are acceptable forms of proof.
What does “fully vaccinated” mean? To be considered “fully vaccinated”, two weeks must have passed from your second dose of your Moderna or Pfizer vaccine or your single dose of your J&J vaccine.
Will you still have other COVID-19 policies in place? We will still be limiting our capacity to 15 students per class, requiring temperature checks for teachers and students who are not vaccinated, and regularly disinfecting props and the studio space.
Why June 7th? We waited two weeks from the date that Howard County lifted its mask mandate to have time to monitor COVID case data before making this decision. We are now waiting an additional week so that those in our community who have any questions or feedback on our policy have a chance to voice those to us before the change occurs.
I’d like to give feedback on this change. Who can I talk to? We always welcome your feedback. Feel free to email us at, or call/text the studio at 443-445-0552.
What will you be doing for children's classes? Because those under 12 do not have the opportunity to get the vaccine right now, we will be requiring students and teachers and anyone else in the studio during children's classes to continue wearing their mask.